
Voci is an auditioned women’s chorus with around 26 members who sing interesting, challenging and beautiful choral music from all style periods.

Please see the flyer below for general details and contact Karla Sagramoso at if interested in setting up an audition.

Also consider attending one of our Concerts to learn more about our group!

Here’s a short “About Voci” video:

Title screen of Voci video

Frequently asked questions

What are Voci’s COVID-19 protocols?

To protect the health of Voci members, we’re taking the following safety precautions:

  • We ask that all singers keep up with current vaccinations against COVID-19.
  • We rehearse in a large, well ventilated room.
  • We rehearse in two curved rows, with plenty of space between singers.
  • Masks are optional during rehearsals.
  • Sick singers are required either to stay home or to be masked and sit separately from the chorus.
  • We perform without masks but adhere to strict testing procedures as needed.

What kind of musical experience should I have to audition for Voci?

You should be an experienced female choral singer with at least basic music reading skills.

When are auditions held, and what is the audition process?

Auditions are typically held in July/August and late December/early January, but we welcome your expressions of interest year-round.

We know that auditions can be stressful, so we try to keep auditions as informal and friendly as possible. Here is how we’ve done past auditions:

  • You sing some vocalizations to help you warm up and explore your range.
  • You’re asked to sing one verse of the Christmas carol Silent Night, a cappella, to check intonation.
  • You’re given a sight-singing test. This consists of a series of melodies that start out quite easy and get increasingly difficult.
  • You sing a solo of your choice, a cappella. It could be a folk song or an aria or anything in between. Choose something that shows off your voice and that you are comfortable singing.

The audition takes about 20 minutes.

What is Voci’s schedule?

See our 2025 Spring Calendar and 2025 Summer Fundraiser.

When and where does Voci rehearse?

Voci rehearses Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:45 PM in Orinda. Additional vocal retreats, rehearsals and sectional rehearsals are planned each season (fall season: September – December; spring season: January – May). Voci takes a summer break from rehearsals from May (after Voci’s last concert) through August.

When and where does Voci perform?

Performances are usually in the East Bay: Oakland/Berkeley and Lafayette. Voci typically has four public concerts each year — two at the end of the fall season, and two at the end of the spring season — plus a fundraising event in the spring.

What are the financial and time obligations for Voci singers?

Dues and music cost $300 per season and $100 for the summer fundraiser, with some scholarships available. A one-time costume purchase of less than $50 is required.

Singers are expected to attend all pre-scheduled rehearsals, retreats and performances. Prospective singers should discuss any potential conflicts during their audition.

What kind of music does Voci sing?

Voci performs beautiful and adventurous music from a wide range of historical periods, and is committed to performing and commissioning music written for, and by, women. For a full list of the works that Voci has performed, see our Repertoire page.

Are there practice materials available?     

Voci provides recordings and/or youtube links to help members learn their music. In addition, Voci encourages sectionals for each voice section to meet to rehearse either before or after the regular rehearsal time as needed.

Are members expected to contribute in other ways besides preparing for performances?     

As Voci is a self-run organization, individual members are asked to help with Voci’s various operations, including chorus management, concert production, fundraising and communications/marketing. Please contact the chorus manager at for specific information and members help with areas that they are comfortable with and have time to donate.

Is there a strict attendance policy?     

Singers are expected to be punctual and present for all pre-scheduled rehearsals, retreats, dress rehearsals, and performances as listed on the semester calendar. Any conflicts need to be reported to the Chorus Manager as soon as they arise. Please read the attendance section of our handbook for further details. (see link below)

Is there financial assistance if membership fees are beyond my budget?

Voci offers scholarships to singers based on need. New singers should reach out to the treasurer at the time of registration at

Where can I find out more about Voci?

Watch our short “About Voci” video. Find out more about Voci on this website including:

Also listen to our YouTube channel and subscribe to our email list.